SingleInputDateRangeField API
For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages:
import { SingleInputDateRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/SingleInputDateRangeField';
// or
import { SingleInputDateRangeField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
Component name
The nameMuiSingleInputDateRangeField
can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme.Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
autoFocus | bool | false | If true , the input element is focused during the first mount. |
color | 'error' | 'info' | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'primary' | The color of the component. It supports both default and custom theme colors, which can be added as shown in the palette customization guide. |
components | object | {} | Overrideable components. |
componentsProps | object | {} | The props used for each component slot. |
defaultValue | Array<any> | The default value. Use when the component is not controlled. | |
disabled | bool | false | If true , the component is disabled. |
disableFuture | bool | false | If true , disable values after the current date for date components, time for time components and both for date time components. |
disablePast | bool | false | If true , disable values before the current date for date components, time for time components and both for date time components. |
focused | bool | false | If true , the component is displayed in focused state. |
format | string | Format of the date when rendered in the input(s). | |
FormHelperTextProps | object | Props applied to the FormHelperText element. | |
fullWidth | bool | false | If true , the input will take up the full width of its container. |
helperText | node | The helper text content. | |
hiddenLabel | bool | false | If true , the label is hidden. This is used to increase density for a FilledInput . Be sure to add aria-label to the input element. |
id | string | The id of the input element. Use this prop to make label and helperText accessible for screen readers. | |
InputLabelProps | object | Props applied to the InputLabel element. Pointer events like onClick are enabled if and only if shrink is true . | |
inputProps | object | Attributes applied to the input element. | |
InputProps | object | Props applied to the Input element. It will be a FilledInput , OutlinedInput or Input component depending on the variant prop value. | |
inputRef | func | { current: any } | Pass a ref to the input element. | |
label | node | The label content. | |
margin | 'dense' | 'none' | 'normal' | 'none' | If dense or normal , will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components. |
maxDate | any | Maximal selectable date. | |
minDate | any | Minimal selectable date. | |
name | string | Name attribute of the input element. | |
onChange | func | Callback fired when the value changes. Signature: function(value: TValue, context: FieldChangeHandlerContext<TError>) => void value: The new value. context: The context containing the validation result of the current value. | |
onError | func | Callback fired when the error associated to the current value changes. Signature: function(error: TError, value: TValue) => void error: The new error. value: The value associated to the error. | |
onSelectedSectionsChange | func | Callback fired when the selected sections change. Signature: function(newValue: FieldSelectedSections) => void newValue: The new selected sections. | |
readOnly | bool | false | It prevents the user from changing the value of the field (not from interacting with the field). |
required | bool | false | If true , the label is displayed as required and the input element is required. |
selectedSections | 'all' | 'day' | 'hours' | 'meridiem' | 'minutes' | 'month' | 'seconds' | 'weekDay' | 'year' | number | { endIndex: number, startIndex: number } | The currently selected sections. This prop accept four formats: 1. If a number is provided, the section at this index will be selected. 2. If an object with a startIndex and endIndex properties are provided, the sections between those two indexes will be selected. 3. If a string of type MuiDateSectionName is provided, the first section with that name will be selected. 4. If null is provided, no section will be selected If not provided, the selected sections will be handled internally. | |
shouldDisableDate | func | Disable specific date. Signature: function(day: TDate, position: string) => boolean day: The date to test. position: The date to test, 'start' or 'end'. returns (boolean): Returns true if the date should be disabled. | |
size | 'medium' | 'small' | The size of the component. | |
slotProps | object | {} | The props used for each component slot. |
slots | object | {} | Overrideable component slots. |
sx | Array<func | object | bool> | func | object | The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. See the `sx` page for more details. | |
value | Array<any> | The selected value. Used when the component is controlled. | |
variant | 'filled' | 'outlined' | 'standard' | 'outlined' | The variant to use. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
TextField | elementType | TextField from '@mui/material' | Form control with an input to render the value.
Receives the same props as @mui/material/TextField . |
Rule name | Global class | Description |
root | .MuiSingleInputDateRangeField-root | Styles applied to the root element. |
You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options:
- With a global class name.
- With a rule name as part of the component's
property in a custom theme.